227. Untying Knots with The Hierophant


Our Anchor Card for the week ahead is The Hierophant, which is calling us into some very deep personal work this week, centered around our beliefs.


Air date:
May 15, 2023

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About the Episode

Our Anchor Card for the week ahead is The Hierophant, which is calling us into some very deep personal work this week, centered around our beliefs. How can we clear away the inherited, untrue beliefs that still run our lives? How can we open to the wise compass within us, and allow that to show us the way forward? 

Plus, we answer a listener's question about how to work through resistance around working with our decks, and feelings about whether the Tarot world is oversaturated with too many readers. 

Transcript coming soon! 

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Land Acknowledgement

  • Honoring and acknowledging that this podcast episode was recorded on the unceded land of The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, currently called Portland, OR, with the deepest respect to the Kalapuya Tribe, Cowlitz Tribe, and Atfalati Tribe.

Please Note

CW Tags: birth, ancestral trauma related to intuition/magic/spiritual practices, patriarchal structures & conditioning, white privilege, inherited generational patterns, abuse, & toxic relationships

The content in this episode contains references to birth, ancestral trauma related to intuition/magic/spiritual practices, patriarchal structures & conditioning, white privilege, inherited generational patterns, abuse, & toxic relationships. We have done our best to identify difficult subject matter, but the labels may not be comprehensive for your personal needs. Please honor your knowing and proceed with necessary self-awareness and care.




Welcome to Tarot for the Wild Soul, a podcast that explores the Tarot through an inclusive, soul-centered, trauma-informed perspective for growth, healing, and evolution. I'm your host, Lindsay Mack. 


Hello loves and welcome back to Tarot for the Wild Soul podcast, always a joy to be gathered here with you. I still feel like I'm coming down from those eclipses (Lindsay laughs). I still feel like the eclipse energy is fading and not completely gone, but oh my god, hopefully, it will feel a little bit — I don't know if I can hope for lighter, but I do — I don't know, a little bit, a little bit less swirly. 

But I will say that I do feel like I'm reminded of my own words shared at The Threshold offering, which is my kind of download for the year ahead, that this year is going to be really swirly because it’s Chariot. Chariot is connected to Cancer, which is connected to The Moon. It's Cardinal Water. Like, this is a Cardinal Water, Cancer Moon year. And so there's a lot with Chariot where we're sort of, it’s swirly. It's like we're moving out of the womb and into the world, even though it doesn't feel like that. It just kind of is like we're being squeezed, and we don't really know why. 

And the biggest lesson I think I'm learning with The Chariot right now — because I'm in The Chariot, to be sure, in a lot of areas — is that it's making me realize that there's nothing wrong with the things that we leave behind in The Chariot. It's just that we've outgrown them. And it doesn't mean they're beneath us or they're lesser. Like, it's just, yeah, it's just like a letting go that is so intense, you know, but it's not because anything's wrong. It's just because it's served its usefulness to us. It's served, you know, what it was supposed to do. So holding ourselves through that, you know, is not nothing. And because you're here and listening to this, you're also moving through your work with The Chariot. 

In case you don't know, in case you're new, or you've never heard of this before, we look to the current year as a good and helpful kind of framework for the Tarot card of the year because we, you know, it's 2023. We add up 2 + 2 + 3, which equals 7, and seven is correspondent to The Chariot in, you know, the ordering of the Major Arcana. So, yeah, just feeling that really strong Chariot crunch right now. It's just kind of a tough, weird time. And so if you're feeling that way, too, I see you, and I hear you. 


So today, we're going to dive into our card for the week ahead. We're going to talk about our listener question, and then we're going to split. So our card for the week ahead week starting today —

Oh, before I get into that, I just want to make a little announcement on the pod that in the last like week, I've made the decision to move — I was going to open enrollment for Intuition as a Spiral today, and I decided actually not to do that because it feels like a way more aligned offering for the Samhain period of time. Like, it feels way more aligned for that season of the year, that particular spiral of the year. So it was a very last-minute decision, but it feels right to move it. So we're going to move it (Lindsay laughs)

So yeah, anyway, it's, again, going back to the swirlies I have, every single one of my offerings has been all over the place in the last year, and I hate it (Lindsay laughs). I hate it! Like, it's a yes, and then it's, like, not a yes, and it's not a no, it's just not ready now. Please tell me I’m not the only one going through that because I hate it. But anyway, yeah, I just wanted to give folks a heads up if you were interested that that offering will be coming a little bit closer to Samhain. 

And I think because of the Samhain of it all, what I'll probably weave in there is a little bit about the witch wound, and like, the stuff that a lot of us carried. I talked about a lot of that last week, about, like, we all carry some stuff in our DNA or our lived experience that's like, “I can't do this,” for fear of harm or worse. And it won't necessarily be like, you know, a total fix, but I think just talking about it, honoring it, so we can begin to look and name and yeah, bow to it, I think is really important. 


Okay, so our card for this week, starting on May 15, is The Hierophant. So to kind of really dive into what this card is bringing us I want to take us back to the theme for the month of May, which is reclaiming. And a lot of what May was about and is about, a lot of what it's been bringing forward to us has to do with us calling back to ourselves some aspects and parts of who we are, that we've either lost or forgotten — and it's easy to do. It really is, even if we're sort of living our truth. Some of us become parents, some of us go to grad school, we forget, quite literally, that we had a love here, or we move away from our art, and we come back to it and are like, “Oh my god, I love this!” 

So if you've been kind of going through a bit of like, “Why the fuck am I doing this thing again”?” or “Oh, I'm feeling called to do this year,” and whatever, know that a part of it is very much in line, very much rooted to the theme of the month and the invitation of the month, which is, again, going back and retrieving something that for one reason or another we've placed down, we've lost the thread of. Going back and retrieving and reclaiming this aspect of ourselves isn't like a fix or a click. It's not. But it is essential because we are all collectively and personally in a time of tremendous change. 

We don't know where this change is taking us. We don't necessarily know if it's better or worse. It might feel worse initially, maybe. We're not totally sure. We are absolutely going through, collectively, just an incredibly challenging time across the board. Like, this is a very hard time to be on planet Earth. And there's been worse times and there's been nicer times. And there's been better times for certain folks and harder times for other folks. And so it's just intense. It's a very intense time and a time where our personal and sort of collective experiences are mirroring the change that's happening on the planet right now with the climate, with so many different things. 

So we're now halfway through the month, and that reclaiming process is really starting to kind of get more rooted. It's really starting to get in there a little bit more because we're halfway through. So that's really important to remember when we consider The Hierophant as being our medicine for the week ahead. 


And I just want to say that to work with a heavy hitter like Hierophant for just a week is an interesting experiment in touching in with the question that I get a lot from folks, which is like, how does one work with a card like The Moon or like Judgement for the day, or for the week, and, you know, whatever? And I consider Hierophant as being a part of that, like, you know, they're there. It's big time, you know, it's heavy-duty medicine. So we're going to unpack that, look at how we can begin to work with it in a really digestible way. 

So, anytime we work with a Major Arcana card — blah, blah, you've heard me say this a million times, but it does bear repeating — it's about surrendering to and following: what's the wisdom that wants to show itself to you? So this is not about you going out and doing empowered, actionable steps, which isn't to say you shouldn't this week. Do whatever you like. It's about following and noticing. It's about paying attention, too.

Hierophant is like a double. It's dual. So, on the one hand, it is about becoming our own teacher. It is about trusting in our own guidance system, our own wisdom. It doesn't mean that we don't look to people, have mentors, teachers, folks who help us. It means that we recognize that those folks—myself included, if you consider me as a part of that ring of support for you—are human; they're flawed. They don't always know. They have bad days, they have off days. We should never be making any human being infallible or anything. 

So it's about weaving in sort of a healthy response to hierarchy, to authority, to guides, and knowing that we deserve to hold our guides, teachers, to the standard of which they should be, like, to a respectful standard; asking the best of them, calling them in when harm is, you know, when something is maybe misstated, or anything that's on its own. And that's valid, and that should be happening. 

But if we're finding ourselves kind of giving too much power to a teacher, to an authority figure, Hierophant will show up, not to tell us, “Hey, open to a teacher,” but to say, “Is there any power you can personally call back with regard to a teacher, and not make it their fault?” Like, sometimes it is, totally, you know, a harm that's being caused that needs to be acknowledged, or manipulation, God forbid. But other times, we're just giving it all to someone else, and no one's asked for it because we're afraid, because it's really scary to stand on our own two feet, because we're not sure if, you know, what the hell do we know? Like, we feel lost, worried, scared. Our own compass is kind of all over the place. 


This is the reason this Tarot card literally exists is to honor that truth, is to acknowledge that. Yes, it's hard. It's really, really hard to, like, be in our own wisdom, and to be trusting that, while also staying really soft and humble. 

That's happened to me so many times where I have felt such truth in what I've said, and then a student or something will come in and will say, “Hey, Lindsay, I just want to have this land with you, that this impacted me like this.” And they're right. They're totally right. Or they're bringing a perspective, because of my own white privilege, because of some sort of cultural difference, I had never thought of before. I've almost never had a student contact me about something, and it's been, like, not my work to do. There's always something for me in that with very, very few exceptions, at least so far. So that, I believe, is Hierophant. 

It’s like, we have these channels. We have wisdom to share, and we're meant to keep it real, humble, and soft. Because there are times, absolutely, where we are in our Hierophant-ness, and people come up, and it's not us, it's them, and like, you know, it’s not our thing to do. There's nothing for us to do about it. And there are absolutely times where we are doing the best we can, but are being invited to evolve or to take stock or to repair, and to shift in some way. 

So a good Hierophant is not rigid — and we're all Hierophants, by the way. A Hierophant is not rigid. And I actually think the card speaks to dismantling this idea of patriarchal structures and, you know, men or cis-gendered men like holding the power, which is still a reality, but I believe it's seeking to kind of dismantle some of that. 


Hierophant is Fixed Earth. So, very often with Tarot cards, the astrological ruling, this card is ruled by Taurus, is clarity on what we need to work on, not necessarily the gifts of. So there's medicine in remembering we can be Fixed Earth with our knowing. We can be really rooted, we can say, “Okay, like, you know, this is what they think, this is where I'm at.” It's okay for us to disagree. And there are other times when we may find that we're a little bit too fixed and rigid, and it's very important to be more flexible. So this is a perfect card, in certain ways, to come up this week just by virtue of its presence because it also, even for a fixed earth card, is a lot more spiralic than we might be giving it credit for. So that's number one, the dual of it, though, because that's one piece of it: our relationship to authority figures, to teachers, to our own wisdom, to wisdom of others, you know? 

So one invitation for us this week, that's super, super, super important is to start taking an inventory of what you think you're supposed to do but actually, it's not the truth, or it was placed in your mind through either seeing another person do it, some comparison, you know, whatever it is. 

We are in a time of really big turnover and change, kind of, in general. And so, when we work with Hierophant for that, like, first layer, it is connected to this theme of reclaiming. It does have to do with there can be very strong ripple effects this week, if we're guided or we're shown, or something's offered to us around, like, looking at power that we've given someone else, and realizing like, “That's fine, they can be over there. Like, I have my own source, you know, and I don't need to make this person my end-all-be-all. And now that I've done that, can I consider all the things that I thought I was supposed to do, but actually, it's not for me, you know?” So there's a little bit of, like, we might feel a little bit unmoored, a little bit like floating in the water, because we might think, “Well, now I know that that's not my thing, but what the fuck else am I supposed to do?” 

So there's questions, right, that are going to come up and pop up, and kind of be all over the place with regard to this. But it is, again, very, very important to let that part of us show us, to be shown, to follow that breadcrumb trail around; maybe, potentially, this week, realizing that there are a lot of layers for us to unpack about the way that we've thought was the right way to go about something that really isn't the way for us. So that could literally be an infinite number of things, and will probably be an infinite number of things for all of us, personally. But that leads me into kind of the dual layer of this card. 


The Hierophant is, and I've often just questioned in my mind, like, what do I personally feel, like sitting inside of a card, is the spikiest? The Tower is certainly challenging, although it's not always challenging. The Devil, for me, personally, feels tough, but where it takes you is to a more liberatory place. It's just if you have particularly loud, intrusive thoughts or brain noises — I do — The Devil can be really challenging to break through that membrane to the other side. I would say the two cards that feel the toughest for me to sit in are Justice and this card. 

And one of the reasons why this card, Hierophant, can be so intense is because it pulls up from under the surface the beliefs that we are invested in, consciously or not, that are not true, that were inherited, that are familial, that are, perhaps, cultural, that are community-based, that are whatever it might be, right? I'm not talking about the stuff that was inherited that is medicine. I'm not talking about the things that are working, I'm not talking about those pieces. If it's nourishing, if it's supportive, if it's a helpful belief, it doesn't fall under that purview. 

We are talking about, Hierophant talks about, the beliefs we develop through that kind of inherited system, you know. As somebody who came up with it, it was the dynamic in my family where it did not matter what you wanted, what you were going through, everything stopped for my abusive parent, everything. And my grandparents enabled that. So I grew up, and I see other family members still behaving this way, as like, you stop everything you are doing because that parent says go, and that happens with my parents’ siblings, with, you know, my siblings. And then one day I got out of that, and that is not how I am with them anymore. And some folks in the family are still working on it, and I have nothing but respect for their journeys around that because it's very, very hard to realize, like, “Oh, I don't have to do that,” (Lindsay laughs) you know? 

And even now, I can think about, like, I got really kind of ambushed by that parent, even though we've been no contact for a long time — and this is a really personal share. This was several years ago, and they wanted to talk to me alone, which is, like, number one, a predatory thing. And I went, “Okay,” and I went. And it took me a while to realize I didn't even have to do that. And I did, you know, I didn't even think. And like, I stood my ground when we were together and thought that I really handled it quite nicely and dodged many invitations into stuff. That was horrible, but it did not even occur to me that I didn't have to go when she called. That is Hierophant work. 

Beliefs feel so true. They feel so true, that it is hard to know, hard to remember, they are indeed beliefs. They are indeed beliefs. They're not true, you know. And breaking them, breaking ties with them is so hard because they feel true. That still feels true with that parent, even though we don't talk, you know? So I share this because this is often, again, like planted in the garden for us before we're even born. Like, it can take so long to realize like, “Oh, I don't have to do that,” you know. It's hard to remember that. It's really, really challenging to remember I don't have to do that, you know (Lindsay laughs)


So that being said, I share all this because I think that we have the opportunity this week, to reframe with this card, to potentially have an old belief, perhaps even a painful belief bubble up, so that we can, in fact, pop it, so that we can process it, so that we can have the realization like, “Oh, I actually don't need to do this. This is a belief, the belief isn't true.” 

It could be that you've been in an active state of belief for a little while, like, “Everything's gonna go to shit,” or this or that, whatever. And it could be that this week, you get the opportunity to really, really recenter and reframe that belief. And it's not, like, magical. It's not like we'll never do it again — everything is a spiral. 

But when Hierophant comes up — and this goes back to my comment about, in my personal opinion — I would rate this as being number one or number two, as being, like if I'm sitting on the seat of a card, I think it's the hottest and the most uncomfortable, because beliefs, again, feel really true. And it's very hard to know and remind ourselves and believe that we don't have to do it, that they were inherited, and it can feel really, really challenging, you know? 

Often, what happens before we believe something different, is we can start making different choices based on that. Like, we can know, “I don't feel like a good person, but recognize that I can operate based on the story that I am,” and begin to take an inventory and look closely, and receive guidance from other folks and/or feedback from other folks. We can start weaving that in, but it can take a long time for the belief to actually take root. 

This week, you may find that you reflect back on an old belief that was super painful for you, and now it's really, really lightened with its edginess. Belief work, untying that, untying knots is so intense. And so this week might feel intense, and it might also be really simplistic. It might feel less, you know, on point for you. 

Either way, you know, Mercury is going direct. Mercury just went direct, actually, but we're still in the shadow for a little bit. Mercury's going direct in Taurus. Hierophant is ruled by Taurus, you know, we're in Taurus season, like, there's a lot. We're about to move into Gemini season. The next time we meet we’ll be sort of in that/kind of welcoming that energy next week. The more we can just be with like, “Okay, you know, this can be really intense work, but the whole point of it is to reparent myself, is to not pass down these old beliefs, is to clear away and untie those knots that were knotted before I even, maybe, was born, you know. I don't have to carry out this legacy,” you know, and just noticing what comes up with regard to that. And being super gentle with ourselves, regardless of how it feels or what comes up, you know. 


So, now that we've, you know, sort of dived into all that, I'm gonna get down into our listener question today, which is from Adar. So Adar asks: 

I've been listening to your podcast for several years, and here is my question: 

I've been telling Tarot for about 13 or 14 years now. Lately, it has not been resonating with me as deeply. I have trouble talking with others about Tarot to process the cards, and I think maybe there's a critical mass of people using Tarot to the point where the energy of it has shifted for me. 

Is that possible? That the commodification and popularization of it could be blocking my intuition from even wanting to go there? I've been more drawn to exploring my Jewish lineage and other practices that are cultural and political for me. Whenever I go toward Tarot, I find unsolicited advice from girls in their twenties, who've been “studying Tarot for a year or two.” 

Where's the respect for lineage, history, and teachers? 

This is a really strong question Adar, and I would love to, like, unpack it with you, and know that I am here for… This is — I hate not being in dialogue with people sometimes (Lindsay laughs). And I wish that, this is one that I really wish that we could be in dialogue about. So feel free to write me. I don't always have space with just a kid and work to get back to folks. But know that I read everything, and that I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on this. 

Okay, so I think, first of all, I don't want to tell you what you feel, because I think that if there's a sense of it for you around, like, “I'm just not feeling super duper drawn to this tool, and more drawn to these practices,” then I say, 100%, follow that. Follow that, above all. Because I think that there are times where I don't go to my deck for forever, and I don't even want to look at it (Lindsay laughs). Sometimes I get a little tired of talking Tarot all the time. That's valid, you know, that's okay. It's okay for us to feel that way, you know? So I just want to, like, that's really what feels important for me is to just honor your experience and letting it be its own complete sentence, and that it doesn't have to be a problem at all.


And I think that I'll offer, you know, a respectful and, I think, healthy counterpoint, potentially, to some of what you shared, which is that while I do acknowledge that there is, absolutely, an enormous amount of people reading and working with Tarot right now, I think that it's great. Because I think it is a tool that really helps people, and that we all find our own way with it, and that I think that the more girls, boys, folks, humans in their twenties, thirties, forties, teens, and beyond that are reading the cards, and feeling into their own power while working with it, I think is wonderful and is really worthy of celebration. 

Now, what I would advise and what I would invite you into, is that not all processors are made alike. So I have met people who have been working with the Tarot for 30 years, and they're, like, in their fifties, who can be total jerks, who can just be like, “This is wrong. That's what this card means.” I've had respected colleagues of mine, you know, use languaging, like, “Well, that's a horrible card,” and they don’t, not everybody is doing the same thing with this tool. And that's both really discouraging, sometimes, and challenging, and makes for difficult connection points. But what I would say to you is that you clearly desire, a more specific kind of processor, and one that can see eye to eye with you. So, you know, choose wisely, and be really clear about what you want. 

When I used to do, like, live courses with groups, like community spaces that were run and moderated by me and my team, it was a very, very important tenet to basically say, like, you may not give anybody unsolicited advice on their reading unless they specifically asked for it. If they talk to you in the group about a pull that they had or reading, you are literally not allowed to come in (Lindsay laughs) and say, “Well, I feel like it means this.” Not because that's not a problem, but that's it's there's a lack of consent that has become so complicit and expected and implicit in the Tarot world. And I'm not about that, you know. 

And I think maybe my attitude around, like, I'm so happy for folks in their twenties to be like, “This is what I think about Tarot,” I think it's because it's the spirit of my own teacher-self being like, “Yeah, absolutely!” Like, there are students sometimes who kind of play around with being like, “Well, I know and you don't,” or “This is really the way,” or “That's wrong, and you're right.” And it is a part of the natural process of ego needing to be a little bit more at the forefront before we can come to a bit more of a humble place. And I've taught so many good-natured folks who practice that way, and they come around, and it's, you know, it's okay, but I just don't think they're your processors, they're not your people, you know, to talk about cards with. 


And I promise you that there there is tremendous respect for lineage, history, and teachers out there still. And I feel really called to direct you, if you're not there already, to the brilliant Rashunda Tramble’s Patreon. So, Rash Tramble is one of the most brilliant, gifted, Tarot readers, and, you know, folks exploring personal ways of interpreting and working with the cards out there. Like, Rash is, I would say, my number one, honestly, recommendation for somebody who works with Tarot right now. And Rash, I have always been really moved by how really fierce Rash has been about like, “Where the fuck is the respect for teachers who came before us?”

Rash had some lovely words to say about Rachel Pollack, who, you know, they were really in touch with before Rachel's death and got closer with, and so it's out there, I think. It's just about looking in different spaces because there are people who are kind of, you know, jerky (Lindsay laughs), unfortunately, I hate to say it, but a little jerky with the cards and a little bit snotty and a little bit weird. But they come in all age groups and all shapes and sizes with all experience levels, beginner and beyond. 

And so, I would just say, there's a couple things I'd say. Number one, I love your question, and I think it's a bold, fair, important question. Number two, not all people reading Tarot and learning Tarot are like what you're describing, and I know because I teach them. They're curious, open, humble, unsure, trying their best, and there's a lot of respect for lineage and teachers. It just might not be exactly where you've looked or are in the spaces that you've occupied, but they are out there. They definitely, definitely are. 

I do think, in general, I totally will acknowledge that we are living in a time where there is a little bit less emphasis on teachers and lineage than maybe there was before. And I think there's a few good reasons for that. Also, I think this, again, could be a really healthy debate, you know, with you and I and with others, or like a jumping-off point for dialogue, right? 

But I think number one, the current climate in social media makes it so that it doesn't make you look legitimate if you're giving too much credit to someone else, right? And that is where I do acknowledge what you're talking about, and see it even with my own work and catching myself sometimes, as a younger reader, being like, “Oh, my God, I've been teaching three lines in the Majors. I haven't once mentioned that they come from Rachel Pollack,” you know, but that was years ago. But like, catching myself in that, because I think that Tarot is kind of so endemic now that we forget, like, someone else came before us and like, mapped that shit out, you know? 


And like, so I do think when you get started with the Tarot — I don't want to make excuses — but I do think you'd become so excited that you kind of forget, like, “Oh, yeah. Okay, wait, wait, so let me actually think back to where that happens.” So I think that we are definitely living in a time where social media kind of makes it so that it gives us a lot of leeway to kind of share about stuff and not really give credit. Accidents happen sometimes, but I do think, like, it is a part of the time, and that that sucks. 

And at the same time, which is where, I think, you know, I'd welcome a dialogue about this is that — and I'll point the finger at myself — that I think that while I totally acknowledge other readers, teachers, I have problems with a lot of some of the ways that the Tarot has been framed and taught, even by some of the most famous teachers, not because I have a problem with them, just because I don't always love and agree with it, and because I don't necessarily know that there's been a whole lot of historical invitation to unpack and think about patriarchal stuff, gender norms, religious, overarching pieces. 

Like, there's beautiful descriptors on the Tarot that sometimes verge into way more inclusive things with some of the more popular books, but not a lot of people are willing to fully dismantle when things need to be dismantled. And so I do think some people are challenged by linking themselves to certain teachers, because I think a lot of folks want to leap away from that, and to come into their own knowledge and understanding. 

But also, listen: I mean, I don't mean to be like, I am ripped off constantly, in ways you cannot even imagine with zero accreditation. So, you know, there's just so much of it that you can really speak to or chase after, and it is always exhausting and heartbreaking, by the way. But I think my heart just still feels really full, and I still feel kind of bright-eyed, because that's not the majority. 

The majority of folks, they're excited, and they're so good natured, and they're trying their best. And I even have a lot of affection for the ones who are like, “That's a bad card,” because if they're taking one of my classes, I'm like, “Ooh, tell me more. What makes a card bad?” you know. That's a part of what I like to do is try to unpack that with folks. 

So, all that to say that I don't have an answer, but I do absolutely recognize what you're saying. I honor it and acknowledge it. I agree with some of it. And then other pieces I do think — just simply because you asked my opinion —  I wanted to offer just, potentially, a different way of looking at it and my own two cents, and also say that I think that I highly recommend, one, you keep looking for your right crew. The crew that feels good. It might be one, two people that feel really expansive and responsive to you about Tarot, because unfortunately, even, I mean, sometimes I'll wander into the message boards of folks, and it's it's a much more kind of old school way of looking at it. And you, I mean, the is-ness of it, like “this is the way you do it, this is what this card means,” is pretty wild. And I think we've actually evolved a long way from then. Yeah, it is definitely much more in the mainstream. 


But finally, like lastly, I just want to say, number one, thank you for giving me the opportunity to kind of talk this through at you/with you (Lindsay laughs). I wish we were together talking about it. But also just to say, like bottom fucking line, if you're kind of like, “Blech, I'm a little over Tarot right now,” be over Tarot right now. Like, you do not have to be in your deck right now, be working with your deck. Like there are times where I am not working with my deck, and I am working with my deck as in podcast courses, readings, but I'm not doing much personal work with it. So I think that's perfectly okay. 

And the other thing that I would say is like, you may want to gift yourself a little break from like, Tarot TikTok or Tarot Instagram, because it may bring you a little bit more back to your center about why you're doing it. My practice has always felt like it's mine. And I don't care how many people are doing Tarot or not doing Tarot, like, I've loved it from way before, and I will always love it. But if you feel sensitive, you know, just sort of the critical mass of folks working with it, then, by all means, take a break. 

But I would say that it might be about you giving yourself a break from those spaces, so that you can come back to you. Because I don't think the tool of Tarot takes any of that on; like, it existed before, it will live on beyond us, you know? So I think just follow your heart on it. And thanks for, truly, thank you for trusting me with this important question because it's a good one. And everybody support Rashanda Tremble because they're the fucking best. You can quote me on that, you can quote me on all of this (Lindsay laughs)


Oh my goodness, thank you so much. All of you, thank you for being here. I love all of you. And until we connect again, please take very good care of yourselves.


228. Refining and Clarifying with Two of Pentacles


226. Healing Imposter Syndrome with The High Priestess Rx