241: MONTHLY MEDICINE: September is Wayfaring


Happy September to you, loves!


Air date:
September 1, 2023

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About the Episode

Happy September to you, loves! Our theme for the month ahead is Wayfaring. Energetically, things are starting to budge and shift, finally making room for some movement. We are changing, softening, and preparing to move from stasis to empowered action. It is a month of transformation, rooted in deep connection to our channel and intuitive knowing. As we travel through September, we will be letting go of what we've outgrown, shedding what no longer serves, and opening to the brilliance of what's to come. 

Our Collective September Soul Tarot Reading
Card for the month ahead: The High Priestess
The Anchor that can help us to work with it?: The Tethered One Rx
What most wants our attention this month? The Lovers Rx
The deepest lesson of the month: Strength

Lindsay’s Links:

The Back to Soul Sale is here! From now until September 7th, get amazing discounts on Spiralic Tarot: Autumn, Soul Tarot 101, and Heart of Service!

Learn more about Lindsay and dive into all of their courses, journal posts, and free resources here!

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Download the (free!) Ultimate Soul Tarot Card Guide here

PODCAST EDITOR: Chase Voorhees
PODCAST TRANSCRIPTIONISTS: Meghan Lyman, Terri Wanjiku, Annelise Feliu, Valerie Cochran
PODCAST ART: Rachelle Sartini Garner

Land Acknowledgement

  • Honoring and acknowledging that this podcast episode was recorded on the unceded land of The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, currently called Portland, OR, with the deepest respect to the Kalapuya Tribe, Cowlitz Tribe, and Atfalati Tribe.

Please Note

CW Tags: financial hardship/trauma, parenthood, childhood trauma, and inherited generational patterns

The content in this episode contains references to financial hardship/trauma, parenthood, childhood trauma, and inherited generational patterns. We have done our best to identify difficult subject matter, but the labels may not be comprehensive for your personal needs. Please honor your knowing and proceed with necessary self-awareness and care.




Hey, Loves. If you are looking to get some really incredible discounts on some of our beloved offerings and a new one—for the next week, we have a very lovely offering for you. So from August 31st to September 7th, we will be running our Back to Soul Sale, which will offer some really lovely discounts on Spiralic Tarot: Autumn Edition, which runs every single season four times a year, and is a channeled offering that focuses on the helpful Anchor Cards and Tarot medicine that can be of greatest use to us in the season ahead. And this one, of course, is all about Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius seasons. So you can get a lovely discount on that. We're running a lovely discount on Soul Tarot 101, which is our perfect primer offering for any budding Tarot reader, any Tarot reader who's really new to this work, to Soul Tarot. This really incredible course comes with a beautiful video lesson that's very robust, an incredible e-book, and a Q&A database. What's not to love about that? We also have a very deep discount on Heart of Service, which is a course for creatives, artists, intuitives, and entrepreneurs who want to trust in the seasonality of their service, who long to weave in more soul and Spirit into their work, and want some guidance on how the Tarot can assist with that. So whatever you're looking to really kick off in this autumnal season—be it your intuitively-led, soul-led business, your Tarot practice, or just wanting to get some really deep guidance on the season ahead—we got you and for a lovely discount. So you can go to the link in our show notes or to tarotforthewildsoul.com to take advantage of that sale while it's running. Thank you for being here.

(Instrumental intro music)


Welcome to Tarot for the Wild Soul, a podcast that explores the Tarot through an inclusive, soul centered, trauma-informed perspective for growth, healing, and evolution. I'm your host, Lindsay Mack. 

Hello, loves, and welcome back to Tarot for the Wild Soul podcast. It's your host, Lindsay. So glad and grateful to be gathered with all of you for a brand new Monthly Medicine episode, for a brand new episode of the podcast. It is a joy. Thank you so much for being here. We have, clearly, a very special month ahead of us in terms of the theme, in terms of the cards that we've pulled. We're moving through four cards in the month ahead and all of them are Majors, which is, as far as this show and this process, this offering goes, highly unusual to have only Majors present. Which means that this is a big… We can think about this crispy, delicious wind blowing us into a different direction this month. There's a real change, one that I was honestly… You know, 2023 is a Chariot year. So I understand as a reader and a channeler and an intuitive that Chariot years are process years. They’re years where we’re untying knots, and so there's not a whole lot of… Not that The Chariot isn't spectacular in its own way. There's just not a lot of, like, sexy work going on. There's not a whole lot that's happening up on the surface. It's very, very deep soul work, which is sexy in its own way (Lindsay laughs). And yet, you know, it's just a different kind of sparkle. So I really respect that about Chariot years, and our Monthly Medicines have kind of aligned with that. It's just been a lot of like, “Keep moving through the process. Keep untying those knots.” 

And so I was pretty surprised to see the cards that came up and delighted because it shows that while it's still a very deep inner work month, the inner work and the presence of the Majors are serving to take us very strongly into different external directions this month. It's nothing we have to be afraid of or worried about. I am getting positive. Like, finally things beginning to budge. That's the word that I heard from Spirit is, like, things budging that were really unmovable and fixed before. Places where we've been stuck, blocked, caught in a place of just like, what we're in isn't quite it, but there's no clear other option. There's some give there too. I, for one, am fucking ready for like an ounce of budging (Lindsay laughs), you know? So it'll be really interesting to see how this year plays out. You have movement—and not movement that we have to initiate. Movement, again, like a breeze coming up behind us and [whooshing sound], you know, and us kind of running with it. It's like a co-collaboration that we're being kind of… We're riding on the wind this month. 

And the channeling of the theme of the month was a really special and also very unique experience for me. This is God's honest truth, on my honor what happened. It's not like a big deal but it's, I think, the first time that this ever happened. Before Monthly Medicine, before I started to pull cards for this, I was… I always pay attention in like the day or two before I know I'm gonna record to anything that might be… You know, sometimes I get the feeling of the month before I know the word, and sometimes the word or the phrase is very hard to encapsulate. But I kept being shown, like, birds migrating, like flying south or flying to different locations of the world due to the change in weather. And when I was pulling these cards and sensing in and asking, like, “Is there a word that you'd like me to channel down?” I heard a word that I had clearly at one point heard before but didn't know what it meant. And so I Googled it, and it was exactly the theme. So that was really fun to be given a word that clearly at some point I've heard but didn't have any conscious memory of, and it was precisely exactly it. 


So the theme for September is Wayfaring. And if you had not…maybe had heard the word but didn't know what it meant, it means the act of going from one place to another traveling, especially on foot. But of course, it doesn't need to be on foot. The movement from one place to another. That's what this month is about. And when we're doing this kind of work, it's typically tripped off by the presence of maybe like, let's say an Eight in the Tarot, like Eight of Swords, Eight of Wands, Eight of Cups. That really encapsulates the spirit of wayfaring and the spirit of really moving from one place to another, you know? It's a huge energy of transformation. And we do have Strength in this reading, which is an Eight card, so I guess that is present in some way. But the rhythm of this movement is different because we're moving to the time of four huge Major Arcana cards, which means that our work will still be directed inward, but that inward work is yielding some very strong and very concrete external change and transformation. And very often, that's kind of not what happens in Majors. It can happen over time but that's not what tends to happen, in my experience anyway, with a set of Majors like this. Typically what's going on is that we are waiting, right? We’re surrendering. We're doing deep work. And then after we're out of the Major, we're moving. Apparently, that's not the case this month. 

So it is—again, to kind of repeat this in terms of Spirit—a very movement-based month. Lots of big change, not through the usual means—so not in the usual way that we're used to. Now, do I have more information or clarity on that? I do not. So we'll see what that means. There's nothing in here to suggest to me that this is a shaking, wild, traumatic… Like, there's nothing… It's quite still and quiet, like fish swimming below the surface of a pond where maybe we see the ripple as it comes a little closer to the surface. There's just very powerful inward shifts that yield to, again, some external changes and things beginning to budge, make sense, get clear. Those boulders that have sort of been feeling like they've really been quite heavy and blocking our path are starting to move a little bit this month, thank God, apparently (Lindsay laughs). From my lips to Spirit's ears, even though it kind of is what Spirit is saying back to them. Yeah, change and an external action happening not in the way that we're used to. Again, that's what they're saying. They're also saying that the decisions we make have to come…have to be made in collaboration with a very deep well of wisdom in us. So we're not making decisions based on whims or anything. Some of our decisions might be really quick, might be really deeply felt. That's always okay. 

Our card in the month ahead is The High Priestess. And I just really want to let that land because that is highly unusual. It is. We don't see The High Priestess that often. I don't see The High Priestess that often. And when it comes up front and center in a reading, I mean, I'm always paying attention, but I look alive. I pay attention. This is…you know? Because The High Priestess is no less than the call of our soul to us saying, “Hello. There's something for you to know here.” Right? And our job is to quiet and listen. Our job is not to override that. Our job is not to manage that call. Our job is to sink in and let it guide us. Y’all have really…you've heard me talk about this before, but I do think it bears repeating: Most of what I have seen about how intuition is spoken about, written about, explained, taught—is very ego-driven. There's nothing wrong with ego. It's a good place to begin. There's nothing wrong with that. Intuition is a wild thing. There is no way to make it consistent. There's no way to make it one way all the time. It is a spiral thing. It changes along with us. There are times when… Meaning it is exactly like the moon, which The High Priestess is ruled by. It is exactly like the ocean. The ocean and the moon never change but the phases of the moon, the tidal shifts of the ocean do. That is precisely intuition. You are intuitive. You are an intuitive, period. You are.


Not everyone is born and meant, or will even want to utilize their intuitive gifts in the service of a spiritual helping profession. That's not even how all of us are meant to use our gifts. I've mentioned many times in my family alone, the strongest, clearest intuitives, profound clairvoyants are an artist in a completely different way, and a doctor. And used those gifts, and used those gifts in conjunction with their work in that way. So there's nothing that says that we need to be Tarot readers because we're intuitives. The High Priestess when it shows up in a reading, and the fact that this whole month is kind of like being driven by The High Priestess is a really big deal because it's a lunar month. It's ruled by the moon. It's connected to Pisces. It's very watery and yet, The High Priestess is kind of a mover. It just moves in a different way than we're used to. The High Priestess says, “Make space to come back to yourself. Feel in, check in, drop in, open to receive, and then move from there.” We are very used to moving without checking in. The High Priestess says, “Check in first then move.” So that's the rhythm that we're on this month. Right? And really respecting where we are, what phase our moon is in, what kind of tidal placement our inner ocean is in, right? Like if we're highly stressed, going through a very specific time, our intuition, our Guides, our channel is still there. We're still absolutely being held in the loving embrace of our Spirit helpers and our ancestors and our beloved dead. We just might not be able to receive, feel them in the same way if we're in a crisis, if things are really challenging, if we're very busy, you know? Maybe our life is running in a different rhythm right now; we can't tune in the way we used to. Well, what might be a good way to do it that feels really accessible, you know? 

We're wayfaring because we are in deep process. We're still in deep process, the only difference is that the deep process is starting to move down the river rather than beyond the banks. We're starting to do it at the same time. We're starting to shed while we bloom. We're starting to clear as we rebirth. We're starting to check in and receive, and then allow ourselves to be moved at a little bit more of a quicker pace than what we're used to. And really, it's not complicated. The only thing that we're being invited to pay attention to is like, how did our body feel when we said yes to this thing? If it was in some way a clenching, or like a resistance, or like a big no, we really want to be in respect of that, even if we don't necessarily understand why. Is there a lot of stuff happening in our life? Then we really want to come back home and see if there's any way that we can become quiet, tune in, and listen. If that's completely inaccessible, it doesn't mean that we can't access The High Priestess. The High Priestess holds space for the fact that, like, there are some folks working a million jobs that cannot check in with them right now in the way that they're used to. So what might work for you? It might be about channeling in your car. I used to do that all the time. That was such a precious time for me. It was quiet. I was able to really receive. Didn't take away from anything, from my driving, you know? Like, still was able to have my attention on the road. So we're no longer… 

The thing that is so powerful about The High Priestess being here is that it really lets us know we've kind of… We’re out of The Chariot now. For better or worse, we're out. We're not fighting to try to get back in. And energetically because of that—because we're not expending so much energy on trying to get out, or process what it meant to get out of it, or clear it, or say goodbye to it—things are coming together and are coming into a space of preparation in order to move us into the next steps. Things are budging that really, again, were not budging before. There's movement this month, but we are in a space of profound channeling this month. Big channeling. Big openings. Huge. 


I feel that I need to start stressing now: 2024 is a vastly, wildly different energy than 2023 was. The difference is huge in size. Huge. We're going from Cancer energy to Leo energy. We're going from The Chariot to Strength. We're going from Line One to Line Two. It's very different. So in this time I have found, while we're kind of wrapping up the calendar year, that energy in that preparation to transition starts intensifying. And so we're really being asked to go within, to clear up any final little threads, anything that needs to be kind of put away, or taken care of, or tied up, or let go, or put on the shelf for now. It's a very, very deep month and it might not feel all the time like much is happening. It's because we're really deepening our capacity and strengthening that kind of muscle memory around going to The High Priestess, going into that inner space of checking in, just tuning in, sensing into how something feels before we say yes to something. And you may be amazed by the little thing that you think, like, “Ugh, I’ve never tried this. I might as well try it,” and then bam, it opens up so much. Or the minute you finally shut the door on something that you've been waffling around for so long, everything opens up. It's like, boom! So much is coming forward for us this month, but it's all happening from this very deep, wise, rooted, and yet very changeable place. Hopefully, that makes sense. Very deep kind of paradox there. 

Now, how can we work with The High Priestess best? The Tethered One reversed. So let me break this one down. We are being invited to really come home—to our channel, to quiet, to reflection—around the things that feel the stickiest, the most confusing, the stuff we have the most resistance around. And some of you, this might already kind of be your practice, but it never hurts to have a refresher, a reminder, kind of a re-solidification of that deep core essence or rhythm. We are not in this life alone. We're in this life with Spirit helpers. And we absolutely have free will. We're in charge of our life and our decisions to the extent that we are, and there's so much that we're surrendering to, and there's so much that we're all trying to make sense of, and Spirit doesn't make any of that happen, right? Spirit and our Spirit helpers, they're the energetic parents, the unconditionally loving figures that hold us throughout that figuring-out process. So they've got us through that. 

How we work best with an energy like The High Priestess who brings us back home to respect, honor, and love the uniqueness and the rhythm of our own intuitive channel is that… And it seems so simple and yet simplicity is very powerful, especially when we’ve forgotten. Where we feel like we're stuck, we’re caught, we're in resistance, we’re fighting something, we are being reminded that we do not have to go through something like that alone. We have Guides. We have Spirit helpers. We have an energetic crew that is so benevolent and that loves us and that's here to hold our rage and our frustration; that sympathizes profoundly with the fact that nothing is clear. They're not making it unclear. They're here with us through everything. The world is unclear right now because we are in wildly and spectacularly tumultuous times on every level. On every level. So things are very wobbly, tremendously so, again on every level. And things are in a big time of change, and upgrading, and evolving. 


The Tethered One is also connected to Pisces, so there's some real deep, watery energy going on this month, big time. And it's ruled by Neptune. And it really is the card that does most of the prep work for us to move into the energy of the Death card. This card holds us in an experience that often feels very challenging, very difficult, very frustrating, that we really want to resist and fight. It calls us to surrender to something and to process something that we haven't really been able to touch until now. The Tethered One melts things away. It transforms us completely. When we surrender to what really wants to be paid attention to and acknowledged, we have to look at it differently. It's a different spiral of time. It's a different feeling of time. So there are, again, some very powerful aspects to this as it pertains to our work. When The Tethered One is reversed, typically—not always but typically—this energy really shows up reversed when we're fighting it. And that's not a problem. It's human nature to not want to be in this energetic cocoon (Lindsay laughs), you know, where we are just kind of stuck and caught in some really tricky spaces. 

So when we find ourselves… Let's kind of zoom out here. Every single one of us—myself included, please trust and believe this—has stuff that makes us kind of like go kicky-feet-tantrum energy, has stuff that's like, “Why the fuck hasn't this happened yet? Why hasn't this been moving? Why don't I understand this? Going left isn't right, going right isn't right. What the fuck else am I supposed to do?” Or things that we absolutely know we must do but feel like we can't, we don't want to, we don't want to look at it, we want to face it. Or actually, what's right here is really beautiful but because we're really uncomfortable trusting what's present, we want to fight it, we want to get away. All of that is stuff that can show up when we’re in The Tethered One reversed. So basically, the energy and the invitation of this month is like, when we find ourselves in that, what might it be like to surrender it up to the universe? What might it be like to say, “Hey, I'm so stuck in this. I don't want to be stuck in this. If there's anything out there that can be of use, if there's a resource, whatever it is, please help me.” 

The other way that these two energies are working together, The Tethered One and The High Priestess—because remember, how we're being invited to work with The High Priestess is through The Tethered One reversed—is basically saying, “What is the thing that you haven't tried yet? Is there anything around any place where you felt really stuck and caught that has been like the one button you haven't pushed?” Obviously, the button in question is not a button of irresponsibility, a button of irrationality, a button of harm, you know? None of those are options towards self and others at all. Meaning maybe like opening up and softening in a different way, or trying the thing that you keep telling yourself you're not ready to do, but just kind of taking the leap and going for it. Or maybe trying something that you haven't done in a while and seeing how it feels now, because you're likely a very different person trying something that you haven't done in a little while, you know? What might it be like to push the button that you're like, “I don't know about that button”? What might it be like to… You know, if there's nothing wrong with it, why not try? That's another way that we can work with these two energies together. And again, just reminding us, we don't have to try to figure this shit out alone. We can always come back home to The High Priestess inside. All of us have a High Priestess in us. All of these cards live within us. We can come back to a space of deep quiet, deep receptivity, and just sense in, “What's here? What's present? What can I make sense of today?” Right? 


What we're being invited to pay attention to most in the month ahead is The Lovers reversed. What are the last bitty threads hanging on from our Chariot work this year and also in our Line One work since 2020 started? Because we flipped into Line One in 2020 and moved to, I believe it was… Let me think here. (Lindsay counts the years out loud) 2019 was a Tethered One year. That's what I thought. Then in 2020, we moved into The Emperor, which was also a Line One energy. So we're moving out of Line One and into Line Two in 2024. So what last pieces are remaining from who you used to be that you've completely outgrown? Because all of us are in that boat. We are different people than we were pre-2020. Like better, worse, happier, sadder, shittier, clearer, more confused. We have all… Again, we are all different for a million reasons. So what are the last pieces here that are remaining that don't work, that don't fit? What are we still trying to make happen that is just not happening? Or it's not happening in the way we're going about it. Like, where is that and where are we, right?


The Lovers represents a very powerful threshold, a very powerful kind of chapter of inner work where The Lovers comes up after The Hierophant in the journey of Line One. The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor are really kind of the foundations of the soul, right? The Magician, we learn like, “Whoa, I have this incredible power to channel out.” The High Priestess, we learn, “Whoa, I have this incredible channel… I'm connected to, like, a radio station, this broadcast that I can tune into.” With The Empress we learn it's our birthright to receive. With The Emperor we learn we're absolutely capable of taking up aligned space, and we absolutely have a birthright inside of that aligned space to share the work that we're meant to bring to the world, even if that's very small, very subtle, and for an audience of our children or our family or whatever it might be. The Hierophant is when we start to break down any kind of beliefs that are infiltrating that natural wisdom. So if we grew up with beliefs, if there's beliefs born of trauma, if we have a story somewhere, The Hierophant really helps us to separate out the old beliefs from us, right? Like, I, Lindsay have feelings all the time where I know something is absolutely the right thing to do and I have my feelings about it, right? Or I have a story about it, or I have a worry about it or whatever. And The Hierophant work is when we're able to stand in the both/and of that and recognize, “This is absolutely what's… It's a yes for me. It's totally an aligned yes and there are feelings about it that are born of something really old, or something I inherited, or something whatever.” 

The Lovers is when we take that kind of deconstructive work and we expand it out into a kind of company-wide review of sorts where we look at, like, “What have I set up in my life that was designed to make me feel loved and valued and appreciated? And where have I lost the thread?” You know? I can think about my days in performing when I was a performer, wanting to be a performer… I love art and I love TV and movies and theater. I love it. I still consider myself an artist and creative. I don't want to pursue a career in performance anymore. But from the time I was a very young kid, that was really my dream and the only thing I wanted to do. And I can really appreciate how that was absolutely a desire and alive in me and how it was absolutely a lifeline because it was one of the only places I ever felt really loved and seen and appreciated. It was like literal applause (Lindsay laughs), you know? Getting chosen for parts through auditions fed something in me around feeling completely unrejected, you know? That's not true of every performer but it was true for me, and that's why it was really important that I grew out of it. That was a part of my Lover's journey is being like, “This has been really important and it's not meant to come with me,” you know? And when we're in The Lovers reversed, we still have a little bit more work to do. There's still something in there that we’re… We're still harboring a belief around that we can make work, that should work, that must work. We're still hoping that something will happen, and it's just likely not going to in the way that it used to because we've outgrown something. 

So that's what we're being invited to pay attention to this month. How have we grown? What have we outgrown? And what are we still trying to get going and it's complete, you know? And how can we be in deep respect to that process? Imagine the kind of energetic movement that's possible when we actually say, “Okay, I'm done with that.” Like, “I'm not gonna try to do that again,” you know? Not in a way that limits us that's like, “I will never love again.” (Lindsay laughs) That's not The Lovers. It's more like, “Wow, this has not been working. It is so done. I am so over it. I want to do something else. I'm going to do something else.” You know? And maybe we can't necessarily leave whatever that thing is now, but we sure know that we're on our way. We sure know we're on our way. 


So what's something…? I'll take this and put it into an even different perspective: has there been an old way that you've treated money, or that you've either respected or not respected a budget because of an old kind of story about scarcity or money in some way? It's definitely something that's really present in my lineage because there's been a lot of lack of money. That's The Lovers too is being like, “Oh, yeah. That doesn't even apply anymore to me and yet there's still some old shit here,” (Lindsay laughs) or old stories that we have about ourselves, or all of that. Like, what have we outgrown? And is there anything inside of it that we're still trying to kind of make work? And what might it be like to give ourselves the permission to let it go? Or paradoxically, kind of going back to what we were talking about with that button, the one button that we haven't pushed that's a button of potential, and opportunity, and trying something different that we might feel a little nervous to try. What might it be like to say, “Oh, is there anything that I haven't tried here with regard to The Lovers or The Lovers reversed? And what might it be like to give it a shot?” You know? 

And then finally, our deepest lesson of the month ahead is Strength. So, Strength is a card full stop of transformation. We absolutely move through Strength. We go through it. We start it one way, we leave it different. I believe that in Strength, we're catching kind of the… Like if we think about the Smith-Rider-Waite image of Strength where a person is placing their hands very gently and kind of in a very undefended way on this lion, and this lion is available to be touched, or is at the very least willing to be touched by this person. That's the last stage of the journey and the story of this card. What was this person's…? How did they come to be connected with this lion? How and why were they wearing white and flowers on their body to a situation where they could, I mean, literally be attacked? 

Strength is a depiction of what happens when we show up undefended to a situation or to an aspect of ourselves that feels really intense. And it's not about… Like, if we're in a situation where with somebody in our life we have to keep a certain level of appropriate defenses or distance around, that's not what this card is talking about. This card is an invitation to touch into, whenever we feel is accessible to us, the heart and soften into a heart-led space around something that we might, at first glance, feel that we need to be defended about or even totally touched out about. We may feel like, “Oh, the best thing to do about this is to ignore it.” Strength goes, “No. Dive in. Lean in heart first.” Heart first. 


I've seen with my daughter, even when she is very upset about something, there's something that happens in her eyes. And we've always done this with her. It's not like we've… But I do think the way I was raised was like when I was upset, when my sibling was upset, we were either kind of told to get over it or we were ignored. And looking my daughter in the eyes when she's very upset about something and saying, “You're upset and I really see that. I'm so sorry. I totally understand.” It doesn't stop her from being upset. But because she, I believe, feels witnessed and validated, something in the energy shifts. There's no longer a bracing against. And having that kind of radical compassion no matter kind of what is absolutely transformative. It is, make no mistake. 

Very often with Strength, what we're facing is something in ourselves. We're facing something down in ourselves. And we're saying, “I'm willing to face this and be transformed by it. I’m willing to be moved. I'm willing to be changed by touching into something that feels like I'd rather avoid it, I'd rather not deal with it,” whatever. That's our deepest lesson this month. What is really calling out for us, for our softness, for our validation, for our heart? What's really calling out to be witnessed? What's not working that has to be named? What is working? What are the parts of us that feel nervous or scared? Like, what do we need to ask for or say no to? What's in there for us? You know? All of that is present in this energy as our… I mean, literally like the deepest lesson. 

So this is a month of big change, external and internal. This is a month of big preparation. This is a month of teeing up a whole lot of intuitively guided decisions that cannot be made without feeling really touched into the body, the inner wisdom, that channel within us. It's very, very powerful. Things are starting to move and budge and roll away a little bit. And we're going to continue, likely, to be doing work like this as months progress, as time progresses for the rest of the year. In fact, we'll be doing this work probably for the rest of our lives (Lindsay laughs). But this is particularly specific to this month. It's very deep work that is yielding to some very strong external change. So, it's brave work. It takes a tremendous amount of courage. 


I remember when I was a very new… I had never really considered myself an intuitive, but I was trying to learn how to hear, which I had always heard Spirit—but consistent. Like learning literally how my channel behaved, especially in tandem with my brain being so loud. I remember working very closely with The High Priestess during that time, and getting very comfortable with just kind of sitting in silence because I wasn't able to understand or let in, or the voice of my channel wasn't turned up enough for me to perceive it. So it took some time to feel into that. And The High Priestess, I actually think is really inclusive of that work. The High Priestess is the one who says like, “Yeah, you're gonna grow into this channel, and this channel is going to change and strengthen. And that's a beautiful thing to embrace.” 

So it takes a lot of courage to kind of sit in the quiet and be like, “Okay. I'm not hearing anything but I'll hang around,” you know? It takes a lot of fucking courage to lean into the stuff that we're in resistance to and say, “Okay, I'll try to surrender.” It takes a lot of courage to say, “I really, really wanted this thing to work out maybe because I wanted my mom to be proud of me, maybe because I wanted my boss to approve of me, maybe because I wanted to be… You know, maybe I had this dream of something that was born of something very old that doesn't match my life anymore.” It takes a lot of fucking courage to let that go and say, “That's just not where I am anymore and it's not serving me.” A lot of courage. It takes a lot of courage to turn toward the lion within and in turn, as that lion, be embraced by something who isn't afraid of us. What a gift to give ourselves to say, “I’m not frightened of this part of you, and I love you. It’s okay.” 

That's what I have for you. That's what I have for us. I'm excited to wayfare with you (Lindsay laughs), to go wayfaring with you in the next month. And, yeah, thank you all so much for being here. Sending incredible warmth and care your way. And until we connect again, please take exquisite care of yourselves. 



This podcast was edited by Chase Voorhees, podcast art by Rachelle Sartini Gardener, and this episode was transcribed by one of our absolutely brilliant and beautiful transcriptionists, all of which you can learn more about or read about on our website tarotforthewildsoul.com.

If you wish to dive into more of my work, learn more about Soul Tarot, work with me in any kind of capacity—I'm always creating new things for us to do together. But you can find all about our self-led courses and classes and new offerings on tarotforthewildsoul.com. And if you want to be the first to know about any new offerings, any new projects that I'm doing, if you want to benefit from discounts and early birds, and all kinds of lovely newsletter-only offerings, you can sign up for the newsletter at the link in our show notes. 

And finally, if you have a question for me to answer at the podcast, or if you'd like to work with me live on the podcast, or if you'd like your question answered on the podcast, please click the link to Ask Lindsay and send me your Q’s. Thank you so much for being here.


242: Anchor Cards for Shame, Bitterness, and Anger


240: Mailbag Mondays - What’s the Difference Between these Two Tarot Cards?