Maternity Leave + our 2022 flow!


Hello Wild Souls!

Linds here, with some updates around my upcoming maternity leave, our 2022 flow, and what you can expect with regard to courses, launches, the podcast, and more!

Maternity Leave

I will be on maternity leave from roughly February 1st to September/October. I feel incredibly grateful to be able to take that amount of time to heal, welcome our babe, and bond with our new family unit. I will not be available to answer any questions, respond to emails, or touch in via Instagram at all during that time — I thank you for your understanding in advance! If something time sensitive or needful arises, Valerie, our amazing project administrator, will be there to support you. If something arises while I am out that only I can respond to, I will be happy to tend to it when I am back later in the year.

Courses + Launches

We’ve been hard at work preparing for a lovely course flow in 2022, one that will largely take place without me. A few things are shifting in the course landscape starting this year — not just because of my maternity leave, but because I am ready to welcome in new projects and other creative pursuits.

Perhaps the biggest shift is that going forward, all of my courses will now be self paced containers, rather than guided ones. That means that there will be no live calls, moderated group containers, or Q&A roundups for any course, including Tarot for the Wild Soul and Heart of Service. The courses will still be available to all interested students, but they will be able to move through them on their pace, at their own schedule.

I am actually very excited about this change for a few reasons. First and foremost, it means that the investment points for my larger offerings will drop significantly across the board (!), creating more access for students of all income levels to participate. Secondly, I love the idea of giving students that level of autonomy and sovereignty around their course experience, and lastly, it’s very exciting because I know that this means that something new is on the horizon for me creatively. It’s definitely time to make space for it, and this shift with my courses feels like a big step forward.

Our Course Launch Schedule for 2022

February 2nd: Rewilding our Intuition (new offering!)

March 21st: Tarot for the Wild Soul

August 1st: Heart of Service

December 16th: The Threshold 2023

There will be earlybird discounts for all of these offerings, as well as some special Bundle Deals for TFTWS and Heart of Service, available only to my newsletter subscribers. To be the first to know all about them, you can subscribe to our special list by clicking here.

*One important note! Because of the timing of TFTWS this year and my being freshly on maternity leave, we won’t be able to offer any scholarships for that course this year. This was truly devastating, and something that I tried to troubleshoot and figure out solutions for for months before reckoning with the fact that there was no easeful way to do it. I sincerely apologize that we aren’t able to offer them for this upcoming round of the course. As I mentioned above, there will be a significant price reduction for the course going forward, and we will have a generous earlybird discount, sliding scale options, as well as sponsorship opportunities. Thank you so much for your understanding. I promise they will be back in 2023!

The Podcast

There will continue to be biweekly episodes of the podcast until March 25th, when I will officially go on hiatus there.

Monthly Medicine Missives on the Newsletter

My last Monthly Medicine Missive before maternity leave will be on February 1st. If you’re signed up for those, you will receive some nice Astro/Tarot newsletters at the turn of every Zodiac season starting on February 20th, in lieu of the Monthly Medicine Missives. These emails will contain some brief words about the month ahead, and a little spread for you to engage with.


I will likely be off of Instagram completely (unless I’m sharing the occasional baby pic) for most of 2022, and likely beyond. While I love my followers, that space has been feeling so uninspiring and logistically stifling as of late (fuck the algorithm, seriously), and I am enjoying connecting with my newsletter community so much. We will see what happens, but I likely won’t be in that space too much.

Thank you so much, Wild Souls! I will miss all of you, and look forward to reconnecting with all of you when I come back from my big leave!

If you have any questions about any of this, just shoot us an email at and Valerie will be happy to assist you :)

Love, Linds


Want to go deeper into Soul Tarot? Check out our offerings here.


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