Working with The Tower


What happens when Towers come down in our lives, personally and collectively? What happens when the full extent of the damage, rot, pestilence, cracks, and wounding within the foundations holding those Towers up is revealed to us? In short, we can begin to heal. We can begin to excavate. We can begin to decide what we will keep and what we will diligently work to rebuild.

Rebuilding and healing those foundations cannot happen if we are not awake to the suffering of what is — not what we would like to be, not what we wish could be, but what is here now. If we are unwilling to acknowledge harm, if we are unwilling to look at, or heal the wounding and trauma that lives within us, if we are unwilling to make restitution or reparation for those harms through making our lives a living amends, both to ourselves and to our fellow humans, we are not living our Tower work.

Despite how uncomfortable and unsettling it can feel, The Tower comes bearing great gifts. It speaks the truths that others aren’t courageous enough to name. It loves us enough to shatter our illusions and delusions. It unapologetically throws our untrue stories and beliefs, broken systems and structures into the fire to be burned and reborn. It knows that the only path to true transformation is through this kind of sacred excavation.

What support can you call on for this transformative work? How can you begin to strengthen your capacity for expansive discomfort? What seeds do you desire to plant on the foundations where those Towers used to be?

We are in the deepest collective Tower experience the planet has ever known, and there is no going “back to normal.” There is only forward, never backward. Only healing, only evolution, only reparation.


Working with The Tower

  1. What Towers are ready to come down in my life at this time?

  2. What am I healing within the foundations that held those Towers up?

  3. What is ready to be excavated and examined within those foundations?

  4. What is ready to be cleared and fully released in those foundations?

  5. What wants to be planted and nourished on that healed foundation?

  6. What support can I call upon for this work?

  7. How can I strengthen my capacity for this kind of evolutionary discomfort?

  8. How am I transforming through my commitment to this work


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